Still lots to do
This election process has been an eye-opener for me. I am honoured by the support I have received, both personally and as a member of the Williams PC Team, and I have taken note of the critique and suggestions given to me as I meet the constituents of the District of Mount Pearl North.
While a lot of work has been done so far, the next eight days are crucial for this campaign. Some people seem to feel that anyone running for the PC Party can simply coast into a seat in the House of Assembly next week, but I am not taking anything for granted. While I am part of the PC Team, I would not want to be elected simply on the basis of the Premier's popularity. I want to be elected because the people of Mount Pearl North believe in me and in how hard I am willing to work for them.
That's why the next week will be as busy as, or busier than, the last few weeks have been. I will continue to knock on doors, attend functions, put up signs, distribute flyers, and give the people of Mount Pearl North my full attention for every second of the campaign period.
And, then, with your help on election day, I will continue to give this District my full attention for the next four years.
And, speaking of work, there is still plenty for volunteers to do -- at headquarters and door to door. P lease call my HQ (745-5368) if you have some time to spare!
While a lot of work has been done so far, the next eight days are crucial for this campaign. Some people seem to feel that anyone running for the PC Party can simply coast into a seat in the House of Assembly next week, but I am not taking anything for granted. While I am part of the PC Team, I would not want to be elected simply on the basis of the Premier's popularity. I want to be elected because the people of Mount Pearl North believe in me and in how hard I am willing to work for them.
That's why the next week will be as busy as, or busier than, the last few weeks have been. I will continue to knock on doors, attend functions, put up signs, distribute flyers, and give the people of Mount Pearl North my full attention for every second of the campaign period.
And, then, with your help on election day, I will continue to give this District my full attention for the next four years.
And, speaking of work, there is still plenty for volunteers to do -- at headquarters and door to door. P lease call my HQ (745-5368) if you have some time to spare!