In his own words...

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Make it count!

For the candidates, a nomination race feels very much like an election. We post signs, make up flyers, knock on doors, and ask for support. This is particularly true in Mount Pearl North right now!

For constituents, it feels very different. Sure, while I am at your door, it may feel like election time but once I am gone, you don't necessarily hear a lot about the race itself. And come Tuesday, if no one in your office, at the supermarket or at school happens to be in your district, you may not think about voting.

Or you may assume that so many other have gone to vote, that it won't matter if you do.

But it does matter.

Every single vote is vital to the candidates.

It is just as important that you vote on Tuesday as it will be when you vote in October. You are making the choice about who will represent the Progressive Conservative Party in Mount Pearl North in October, and you need to choose wisely. If you don't vote, it is kind of like saying that you are not concerned about who represents you. You will be letting others choose your candidate for you.

Make your own choice. Cast your vote.

Your opinion counts.

See you at the Park Place on Tuesday!

For further information see Voting Information in the menu on the left.