Thank you!
Thanks to the voters of Mount Pearl North for your support.
I am proud to be your PC candidate for the provincial election in October.
It was a good race. My opponent, Keith Cassell, ran a strong, well organized campaign which challenged us to stay ahead, and stay focused.
I really appreciate the dedication and hard work of my volunteer team - without your support, I could have accomplished the goal of being the candidate for Mount Pearl North.
I especially appreciate the efforts of my campaign co-chairs, Janet Browne and Paul Lane, who coordinated the efforts of the volunteers, monitored voter reactions, and kept us moving forward every day.
Now that we have cleared this first hurdle, things will be low-key for a little while as we create a strategy for the second part of the campaign.
I believe strongly in the policies and the approach of the Williams team. And I believe Danny Williams and his PC government will lead Newfoundland and Labrador to claim the prosperity we deserve. I am glad to be part of that team and I look forward to representing the interests of Mount Pearl North in the provincial legislature.
Now let's get set for October!
I am proud to be your PC candidate for the provincial election in October.
It was a good race. My opponent, Keith Cassell, ran a strong, well organized campaign which challenged us to stay ahead, and stay focused.
I really appreciate the dedication and hard work of my volunteer team - without your support, I could have accomplished the goal of being the candidate for Mount Pearl North.
I especially appreciate the efforts of my campaign co-chairs, Janet Browne and Paul Lane, who coordinated the efforts of the volunteers, monitored voter reactions, and kept us moving forward every day.
Now that we have cleared this first hurdle, things will be low-key for a little while as we create a strategy for the second part of the campaign.
I believe strongly in the policies and the approach of the Williams team. And I believe Danny Williams and his PC government will lead Newfoundland and Labrador to claim the prosperity we deserve. I am glad to be part of that team and I look forward to representing the interests of Mount Pearl North in the provincial legislature.
Now let's get set for October!