Less Talk, More Action
As I have been talking to residents of Mount Pearl North these last few nights I have been hearing something that makes me especially proud to be part of the Danny Williams Team. People are telling me that for many years they have been hearing a lot of politicians TALK about making changes and about improving things... but Danny Williams and his PC Team have been DOING something. They are getting things done, moving this province forward and making a real difference in the lives of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.
For the people I was talking to, the greatest evidence of the improvements since Danny Williams was elected, was the fact that families are moving back to this province. The economic changes that the PC policies have encouraged have created jobs and opportunities for people who moved away to come back and work at home.
For me, that is proof of progress. And I want to work with the Williams Team until no one is forced to leave this province for work, and people can stay with their families and still afford the lives they want to live.
Of course, meaningful change takes time. There are still many families in recent years who have been forced to leave the province in search of work. But I am encouraged that there are also families coming home to pursue opportunities here. I believe we are headed in the right direction.
It's all about vision, clear goals, and a great plan. The PC Team has all of those things, and I know I can help the Premier and his team make them come to pass.