My Mount Pearl North includes Paradise
It might be easy for some people to forget that the District of Mount Pearl North includes parts of two communities, but I have always been aware of the steady growth and great potential of the Town of Paradise.
As Mayor of Mount Pearl, I have been a driving force in ensuring that both of our communities increase their strength by working together and sharing some goals and resources.
The Town of Paradise is the fastest growing community in the province, and that increasing population, combined with the variety of business opportunities in the community makes Paradise an important contributor to the economic growth and success of the region.
I want to help the Town of Paradise to keep up this growth trajectory. And I will work closely with the other two MHAs for the town to ensure that the citizens of Paradise are represented by strong voices in House of Assembly.
I may be the mayor of one city, but when elected I will become the member for a district... a district representing TWO vibrant, independent and economically crucial communities.
As Mayor of Mount Pearl, I have been a driving force in ensuring that both of our communities increase their strength by working together and sharing some goals and resources.
The Town of Paradise is the fastest growing community in the province, and that increasing population, combined with the variety of business opportunities in the community makes Paradise an important contributor to the economic growth and success of the region.
I want to help the Town of Paradise to keep up this growth trajectory. And I will work closely with the other two MHAs for the town to ensure that the citizens of Paradise are represented by strong voices in House of Assembly.
I may be the mayor of one city, but when elected I will become the member for a district... a district representing TWO vibrant, independent and economically crucial communities.