In his own words...

Friday, October 5, 2007

Ready to Work

Criticism is an inherent factor in any political endeavour. There are people that will oppose anything that a candidate or a party does or suggests just for the sake of being critical, in the hope of somehow damaging the image of the candidate or the party in question.

During this campaign the criticism has been particularly pointed, yet also very empty. Criticism for its own sake is not particularly useful, it only reflects badly on the critic, and it indicates that they are more interested in attacking the work of others than doing any real work themselves.

If I am elected on Tuesday, I won't be one of those who is leaping forward with empty criticism and personal attacks at every opportunity. I am much more interested in being part of the solution than part of the problem, so I will be hard at work on your behalf from Day 1.

And if you need proof of that, look no further than my record at City Hall. I'm campaigning based on my record of hard work, and if elected, I will continue those efforts at a provincial level.