In his own words...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Voting - a privilege and a responsibility

While the recent poll results have been really encouraging, indicating great support for the PC team and our vision, they have also caused me some concern. I wouldn't want any candidate to coast into their seat, based on the popularity of the Party in general.

No race in this province is a foregone conclusion, that's why all the PC candidates are working hard to show the residents of their Districts why they deserve to be elected. No one wants to get their seat simply riding on the Leader's or the Party's coattails. I want your vote because you believe in me, my hard work and my vision, not just because I am PC candidate.

The possibility of voter apathy concerns me as well. I wouldn't want people to feel that their votes don't matter, or worse, that there is no point in voting at all because the results have been decided.

That's why I was heartened by my encounter with an elderly voter earlier this week. This gentleman assured me that he would be taking the opportunity to vote, and not be influenced by the polls, by possible voter apathy, or by anything else. When I asked him why he was so committed to voting he gave a very moving answer:

He said, "Because a lot of good men fought and died so I could."

And that reminded me of the greater issue here. Everyone should vote, not just to ensure that their voices are heard, but to celebrate the fact that they have the right to. The gentleman was absolutely right -- our freedom, including our freedom to vote, was bought with sacrifice, and not voting is to make light of that sacrifice.

Democracy is not something to be taken for granted. Many people throughout the world suffer under dictatorships and other unfair, cruel forms of government, and we should take advantage of our opportunity to contribute to the political process.

So on Tuesday, make your voice heard: Get out and vote!

If you need information about where to vote, or if you need transportation to the polling station, please contact my headquarters at 745-5368.