News Release - Kent victorious in Mount Pearl North
October 9, 2007
For Immediate Release
Kent victorious in Mount Pearl North
Newly elected MHA acknowledges opponents’ effort
MOUNT PEARL, NL - Mount Pearl North was caught up in the same Tory tide that swept the province tonight, and that resulted in a clear victory for Mount Pearl Mayor Steve Kent, who is on leave from his duties as Mayor until tomorrow morning to carry the Tory banner in the District that was represented for many years by PC stalwart, Harvey Hodder. In the end, Kent defeated Liberal candidate and daycare owner/operator, Elaine Reid, and NDP candidate Janice Lockyer, by a sizeable margin.
Still excited by his win, Kent was quick to acknowledge the efforts of his opponents, especially Ms. Reid.
“I want to extend heartfelt congratulations to Ms. Reid and her campaign team for an excellent campaign,” said Kent, as he addressed supporters at Hotel Mount Pearl. “We were able to stick to the issues and represent the views of our parties in an honest and straightforward manner. Ms. Reid provided an important alternative to the people of the District, and that’s an important part of the democratic process”, he said.
Tonight is a night to celebrate with campaign workers and to savour the victory after several gruelling weeks on the campaign trail. Though tired after a nomination challenge followed by weeks of campaigning, Kent was quick to acknowledge the support he received, and had nothing but praise for the work and dedication of his team.
“This was a tremendous effort on the part of the entire team”, he said, “and I just can’t thank you enough for the support and encouragement you provided me over the past several months throughout the nomination process and now with this incredible victory here tonight. Without your support none of this would have been possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
Tuesday night’s victory was another jewel in the crown of an unblemished political career which saw him capture the Deputy Mayor’s chair in Mount Pearl in his very first foray into politics at the tender age of just nineteen. He was returned as Deputy Mayor in the 2001 municipal election. With the departure of former Mayor Dave Denine to the House of Assembly in the last Provincial Election, Kent assumed the Mayor’s chair and has been there ever since.
Kent is looking forward to his new role, and will approach his work with the same energy and commitment that he brought to the municipal scene.
“This is the start of an entirely new challenge for me both personally and politically,” Kent noted, “and I thank the voters of Mount Pearl and Paradise who have shown such confidence in me to be their representative in the House of Assembly. It’s a responsibility that I do not take lightly, and I can assure the people of Mount Pearl North that your issues and concerns will be well represented.”
He was quick to praise the leadership of Party Leader and Premier, Danny Williams, and felt that tonight’s result province wide is directly attributable to the premier’s straightforward and honest approach in dealing with the issues.
“It’s obvious that the people like what they see in this Premier, and they really endorse the direction the province is taking,” stated Kent, “And why shouldn’t they? Premier Williams has restored the faith of the people of this Province in a big way, and it’s clear that he is a man of substance. There is a renewed sense of dignity and pride in this Province, and there is no one more responsible for instilling this than the Premier himself. I’m proud to be part of his team,” he said.
There was no talk on this night about the timing for Kent to relinquish his seat as Mayor. That will be a matter for another day. Tonight was about savouring the victory and celebrating with family and friends. There will be plenty of time for other things in the weeks ahead, but the smiles on the faces of campaign workers and the congratulations all around left no doubt about his level of satisfaction with this victory.
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October 9, 2007
For Immediate Release
Kent victorious in Mount Pearl North
Newly elected MHA acknowledges opponents’ effort
MOUNT PEARL, NL - Mount Pearl North was caught up in the same Tory tide that swept the province tonight, and that resulted in a clear victory for Mount Pearl Mayor Steve Kent, who is on leave from his duties as Mayor until tomorrow morning to carry the Tory banner in the District that was represented for many years by PC stalwart, Harvey Hodder. In the end, Kent defeated Liberal candidate and daycare owner/operator, Elaine Reid, and NDP candidate Janice Lockyer, by a sizeable margin.
Still excited by his win, Kent was quick to acknowledge the efforts of his opponents, especially Ms. Reid.
“I want to extend heartfelt congratulations to Ms. Reid and her campaign team for an excellent campaign,” said Kent, as he addressed supporters at Hotel Mount Pearl. “We were able to stick to the issues and represent the views of our parties in an honest and straightforward manner. Ms. Reid provided an important alternative to the people of the District, and that’s an important part of the democratic process”, he said.
Tonight is a night to celebrate with campaign workers and to savour the victory after several gruelling weeks on the campaign trail. Though tired after a nomination challenge followed by weeks of campaigning, Kent was quick to acknowledge the support he received, and had nothing but praise for the work and dedication of his team.
“This was a tremendous effort on the part of the entire team”, he said, “and I just can’t thank you enough for the support and encouragement you provided me over the past several months throughout the nomination process and now with this incredible victory here tonight. Without your support none of this would have been possible. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”
Tuesday night’s victory was another jewel in the crown of an unblemished political career which saw him capture the Deputy Mayor’s chair in Mount Pearl in his very first foray into politics at the tender age of just nineteen. He was returned as Deputy Mayor in the 2001 municipal election. With the departure of former Mayor Dave Denine to the House of Assembly in the last Provincial Election, Kent assumed the Mayor’s chair and has been there ever since.
Kent is looking forward to his new role, and will approach his work with the same energy and commitment that he brought to the municipal scene.
“This is the start of an entirely new challenge for me both personally and politically,” Kent noted, “and I thank the voters of Mount Pearl and Paradise who have shown such confidence in me to be their representative in the House of Assembly. It’s a responsibility that I do not take lightly, and I can assure the people of Mount Pearl North that your issues and concerns will be well represented.”
He was quick to praise the leadership of Party Leader and Premier, Danny Williams, and felt that tonight’s result province wide is directly attributable to the premier’s straightforward and honest approach in dealing with the issues.
“It’s obvious that the people like what they see in this Premier, and they really endorse the direction the province is taking,” stated Kent, “And why shouldn’t they? Premier Williams has restored the faith of the people of this Province in a big way, and it’s clear that he is a man of substance. There is a renewed sense of dignity and pride in this Province, and there is no one more responsible for instilling this than the Premier himself. I’m proud to be part of his team,” he said.
There was no talk on this night about the timing for Kent to relinquish his seat as Mayor. That will be a matter for another day. Tonight was about savouring the victory and celebrating with family and friends. There will be plenty of time for other things in the weeks ahead, but the smiles on the faces of campaign workers and the congratulations all around left no doubt about his level of satisfaction with this victory.
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